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The One Powerful Practice Your Morning Routine Is Probably Missing

A great way to enhance your morning routine is to incorporate a Sanskrit mantra.


Sanskrit is the ancient language of India, said to be over 6,000 years old. This ancient language is especially unique in its ability to carry the precise vibration of the word it is describing. Ancient mantras were formulated to create specific outcomes.

What are Mantras and why should we chant them?

In Sanskrit, “man” translates to mind, and “tra” means to free from. Mantras are used as a tool to free the mind.

Sanskrit mantras allow the conscious mind to relax. Sanskrit mantras use seed sounds that create the actual vibration of the word it translates to. For example, “shreem” is the seed sound of abundance, and it creates the actual vibration of abundance in the Universe.

The best part? Seed sounds don’t have to be said out loud. They may even be more effective when recited silently. To enhance your meditation, you can also visualize the deity which connects to your mantra or envision healing light while meditating.

The standard repetition of a mantra is 108 times. Repeating a mantra 108 times early in the morning and at night for a total of 40 days is known to create a very noticeable shift in your life. Continuing on to 120 days is said to create a major shift.

Why do we recite mantras 108 times?

In Vedic culture, the Mathematicians saw the number 108 as the wholeness of existence. A scientific example is that the Sun is 108 times the diameter of the Earth, and the distance from Earth to the Sun is 108 times the diameter of the Sun.

Relating to the human body, there are 108 nadis, or main energy lines that are emitted from the Heart Chakra. By chanting a mantra 108 times, we are aligning ourselves with the will of the Universe and its creative energy. By harmonizing our personal vibration with the natural vibration of the Universe, we can create desired outcomes.

What’s especially amazing about Sanskrit mantras is their ability to produce a desired end goal, rather than a means goal which creates temporary satisfaction. Sanskrit mantras work deep to create lasting effects and healing and are often used for healing emotional, physical and spiritual imbalances and ailments, by sending energy as a whole, not to one specific person. Similar to the idea of treating the root problem and not just the symptoms, these mantras work deep to create lasting effects and healing.

How to Begin Your Mantra Meditation

Consistency always wins. Choose a time that works best for you, morning and night, and set aside about 15-20 minutes. “Aham Prema” may only need 5-10 minutes. Create a sacred space for yourself, be it in a specific chair, on your bed, or in your car before you leave the driveway. Light a candle, hold an amethyst crystal, smell your favorite essential oil; do whatever it takes for you to feel safe, relaxed and loved.

Mala beads are a great mantra meditation tool. In order to focus on the pronunciation of the mantra, which is very important, use a mala necklace as a way to keep count of repetitions. This creates a calm and more precise practice.

Start by draping the mala necklace between your middle and ring finger. Using your thumb to hold it in place, find the bead next to the guru (usually a tassel, crystal, charm, or bigger bead).

Begin meditation by focusing on your intention, goal or desire. Next, recite your mantra on the first bead. Then, use your thumb and middle finger to move to the next bead, recite your mantra again and continue for 108 repetitions, or beads. Once you have completed 108 repetitions, show gratitude to the Guru bead on your mala. Be thankful for your meditation practice and be open to the good energy coming your way.

To reap the full benefits of reciting a Sanskrit mantra, commit to 40 days. Once in the morning, and once before bed. Choose a mantra that you can memorize and that will improve your life. Be grateful. Smile. Know that the Universe supports you and appreciates your beautiful creations.

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